15 Mar 2013

Ippudo KL // March

Finally I've tried the yummiest ramen in town, Ippudo! Yeyyyyyy. I went there few weeks ago with my buddy.

This is her ramen, tasted a bit spicy but I swear it was really good, I must order this next time!

And this is mine, I think white bowl belongs to non-spicy and red bowl is the spicy one?
Mine tasted fine too, the pork belly literally melted in my mouth!

Sadly the price of those ramens are not cheap. :( which means I won't be visit there too often.
But it's really good so if u never try and u can, just go and try it cause I'm not a ramen lover but I love this. :)

Then we went to Hui Lau Shan for dessert session! :)
She is greedy wants to try everything so she ordered this! :p

Tried something different this time, I chose this mango x strawberry ice, tasted not bad lah. :)

And then we went for snowflakes, movie and tata! Hehe.

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