21 Mar 2013

Fat Boys // Namoo @ Publika

Yayyyyyy finally we managed to dine at Publika after so long, it was my bro first time been there and surprisingly he likes the place. We had our brunch at Fat Boy's but I couldn't finish my burger. :/

It is my burger but I don't really like this, might try out another one with bacon next time. :o This beef burger comes with onion rings, can see?


My brother ordered fish and chips and it was good, the fries are so thick and I think this is another reason why I couldn't finish my burger.

We went to Namoo too, the korean dessert/cafe, heard about their sweet potato cake is the bomb so how can I, the food explorer not to try out?
The atmosphere of Namoo is really cozy and comfortable, I saw a lot of girls was reading their magazines and books by just laying on their seat. Lol

Their iced chocolate is really good, iced chocolate lovers please try it out!^^

So here it is, the popular sweet potato cake, u might really like it if u are a sweet potato lover, but for me it was just okay, not as nice as I expected but u still can give it a try if u want. :)
ps:// The vanilla ice-cream comes with the cake was really good.^^

Last picture, close-up!

Yep, that's all, will definitely return to Publika to explore more nice food and share with u guys alright!

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