31 Jan 2013

Suki-ya // MAMA, Jan2013

Yay! Managed to go to Suki-ya @ Pavilion for the second time with the sunshiny Shoei this time.
And YAY free-flow of meat, yeeehoooo~
I would prefer lamb more than beef in this steamboat restaurant^^

Their sauce is really nice as well. I really love it!
But frankly speaking, their choices of steamboat food ingredients are very limited compare with other steamboat buffet restaurant.

We watched "MAMA" !
First time ever a horror movie which made me teared :(
It's a nice horror movie I would say!

This girl is getting prettier and prettier^^
OH! Power of love? 

Bought these from SASA. Buy one get one free^^
I like to use make-up cleansing tissues to remove my make-up because it's really convenient!!

That's all for now^^

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