18 Jun 2012

Michelle's big day!

This is the first time we celebrated birthday together since we've only know each other about 8 or 9 months ago! Happy birthday Michelle! ;) We had a little celebration and surprise for her on last Friday. We went to the nearest favorite chilling place - Pavilion after we done our work! Before that, we were fooling around at the office(that's what we always do,ehem).

We drove to Pavilion for the little celebration after that.
Mirror mirror on the wall...

We went to The Loaf to have a tea break before we go for movie.

Say hi to Jenevvie!! 

Michelle's mushroom soup.

Jenevvie's food....Oh I've forgotten the name of those dishes.. ://

This is mine :D First tried and it was not bad thou.

Chubby face in The Loaf! Lolol.

Tadah! We watched "Snow White And The Huntsman" after that!

In my opinion, the movie is surprisingly good, not the best one but it is good, normally a princess has to be with a prince but for this time, the princess is being with a huntsman. So yea! I did enjoyed the movie :)

After movie, it is dinner time! TGIF here we go :)

We went to TGIF for our dinner, we actually bought cakes and a pressie for Michelle but I didn't manage to take pictures of them, what a blogger huh....zzz

My cream of mushroom! It was nice :)

Birthday BOY is here! LALALALA :D

Jenevvie's cheese burger with bacon!

Eva's steak!
(I didn't have any photos of Eva at TGIF because she went to buy Michelle's pressie during that time!)

Michelle ordered steak as well because TGIF is popular with steak! I think...because I heard people said so!

My choice of the night, I chose lamb! :)

Alright! That's all for this birthday post!
Lastly, Jenevvie and her burger are here to end this post! See ya! :D

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