4 Nov 2011

Random random

I've tried for the ultimate cheesy pizza. Hmmm. For me it was not bad thou but I'm still prefer those flavor I order normally like Hawaiian Chicken, Pepperoni, Thai Chicken... My little bro and sis were not used to eat that cheesy ball, as u can see there are some little cheesy ball stick on each slide of the pizza... ._.
Still remember that I had lunch at Sakae Sushi long time ago, I went for Pavilion's branch and honestly I didn't have good impression for it. Until weeks ago, I went for the second time which located at Farenheit88. I had this chicken teriyaki don and O.M.G it was so so so NICE. If u are following my twitter u can see that I've always
check-in at Sakae Sushi on foursquare recently. One of the waiter is very nice too. He keep on recommended me and helped me to save money. LOL. Thanks again ;)
*It's just RM7.90 for the food and free one green tea*
And this is from Sushi Zanmai. Their sushisss taste really good :-D
But, for the rice, I seriously think Sakae's is much more nicer than this. Maybe it looks good but...
Or maybe my taste problem I don't know lah...
 Bought so much last time. Haha I just like to buy color lens.
Pictures continue.

That's all. Byeeeeeeeeee ;)
It's Friday again!! I'm here at my hometown again!!! AHAHA~\(^O^)/

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