5 Nov 2011


Went to Pavilion with the boyfriend last Wednesday. Was using new lens that day.
Pinkish pinkish~\(^.^)/
Showing the color... o.o

Had our lunch+dinner at Madam Kwan, char kew teo there is my favorite,
wanted to order beef rendang but due to I was sore-throat so suan le bah... ):

The boyfriend went to Quicksilver, he wanted to buy himself a trousers.
I was just waiting for him~

We watch Real Steel! For me it was really good. I do not like to watch this kind of movie actually, kinda like robot or...? But I love this because it is a story about father and the son, there were some touching parts in the movie too.
I really heart this kind of movie which consists of touching parts
I already edited my pictures *reducing dark circle of my eyes* because I was insomnia and slept at 6 something early in the morning the day before. zzzzzZZZ @_@
Ish... Kkkkkkkk bye!
*my hairssss!! omg...spoiled to the max liao...):*
Fyi, I've never dyed my hairsss before.

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