5 Jan 2012

BANGKOK: Somboondee Seafood Restaurant

Somboondee Seafood Restaurant

For the authentic Somboon Seafood Restaurant, click HERE.

So I went for a vacation to Bangkok last month with my family, we had our dinner at the restaurant.
Why would I keep mentioning "Never ever go to this restaurant"?
Well, let's get my story started.

We actually went to Somboondee twice in our 5D4N trip because no matter tuktuk or taxi driver,
we told them we want to have some food, they will definitely suggest the same restaurant which is Somboondee.
We didn't know anything so we settled our brunch there for the first time.
The brunch costs us around RM300+. Their food was not that bad yet it was not fantastic.

For the second time, we had our dinner at another branch for the same restaurant again.
This time, my dad's friend who able to speak Thai was with us.
Before we go to Somboondee that night, my dad wanted to have dinner at ChinaTown but the tuktuk told us,
"ChinaTown is not opened, they will close their shop once a month for pray."
*We asked another taxi driver on the next day, he told us ChinaTown open everyday.*
When we were still confusing, the tuktuk took us to Somboondee.
My dad's friend keep talking with him while on our way to the restaurant.
The night before this, the tuktuk called "AhBong" will wait for us to finish our meal and take us to everywhere.
But this time, he left quietly and quickly while we were having our dinner.
My dad called him, he just said "HAPPY NEW YEAR" wtf.
We were thinking maybe he was afraid of my dad's friend which able to speak Thai?
So ever since then, we got to know normally after tuktuk bring their passengers to Somboondee, they get commission for it.
Okay I understand there's not a problem to get commission but our dinner of the night costs around
*1000 BAHT* which is like RM900+,

 I Googled it. About Somboondee, now I know not only my problem, most of the people rated it

The reason for me to blog about this is I don't hope to see anyone of you get cheated by them.

Thanks for reading!

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