2 Jul 2014


Guess messy hair has become my trademark which I don't wish to T_T

Ordered the same fried rice with Shannie but this spicy lover always make her fried rice different.
Added in so much sambal x_x

Always love cooking! And guess I have to learn to cook more dishes from now on!

倘若一个人能够心甘情愿一辈子只爱另外那一个人,这个人将是无与伦比地幸运与幸福。人生有涯,若真心爱,一辈子都是不够的。 一天到晚东张西望非常花心的人其实没那么幸运。因为他(她)没有遇到那个足够好、足够适合自己的人。

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