4 Mar 2013

Sukiya @ Pavilion

Managed to dine in Sukiya at Pavilion again few days ago, I've blogged about it before but I failed to take more pictures so here it is!^^

Details of Suki-ya :

I really love their sauce, the left hand side one, a bit spicy but taste really good! :3

The soup base we chose, shabu-shabu and suki-yaki, the suki-yaki soup base is a must try, taste sweet! Other than that, there're kimuchi and miso soup base for you to choose too, our favorite would be suki-yaki.^^

Meat lover like me and my brother would love these, lamb and beef, you can choose chicken also it's up to you.

As I mentioned in my previous Suki-ya post, their steamboat ingredients are kinda limited compare with other buffet steamboat restaurants, here it is, their healthy bar.

There're some sushi and other sauces.

Me, who trying to be a healthy person.

Still, lamb is forever love.

Not forget to mention that they provide ice-cream too, chocolate and green tea flavor. Thou the ice-creams there are not awesome but taste not bad, but actually I was expecting more cause I really love green tea ice-cream and other Japanese restaurants serve awesome green tea ice-cream.

For me, Suki-ya is not bad after all and the price is not too expensive for a steamboat buffet restaurant, you can give it a try if you love buffet steamboat.^^

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