2 Feb 2013

ParisNg's 2013 Resolution starts on Feb

This post is going to be a super long post which related to myself/my thoughts. You can continue scroll down if you're interested. If you're not, just skip it. Just a blog post to remind myself all these after all.

HA-HA-HA. It's already February of 2013 and I've just done this 2013 resolution for myself. Cause I'm just too bored everyday staying at home and got nothing to do. So, I decided to do this and it's my first time doing this resolution for myself. I mean, I do think a lots, plan a lots but I never list em' out properly. So here I go, my 2013 resolution. There're 10 tasks for myself so far.

#1 Cut down on fast food.
Yessssssss I believe all the people around me know that I REALLY REALLY LOVE FOOD. Especially fast food, especially FRIED CHICKEN. *My dad really hates me to eat fried chicken Idk why.* All I can tell you is, I just can't help it. Either myself can't stop to touch them even I'm dying to slim down. Still, I hope I can cut down on them. 

2. Get fair skin, get smooth hair.
Look at Yoona, she is popular with her real baby skin. Frankly speaking, I don't think my skin is really worst but it could be much more better. I have a lots of black head and pimples on my forehead and nose. D; Talking about smooth hair, it's kinda hard for me to do this because I'm just too lazy to use hair conditioner and apply any hair products everyday. I have a serious problem of hair dropping, another reason causes hair dropping is most probably I eat too much oily food. It does affect hair dropping problem too. So, I've got no choices, I must achieve task #1 to achieve task #2. ):

Hahaha too cute little Yoona. I must share this.

#3 Sports.
I   H-A-T-E   S-P-O-R-T-S. Sigh. I've got no choices too but I really got to do this. People not only have to get beautiful look, health is much more important isn't it? It's useless to look beautiful but in fact you're not healthy. So, I will try, try very HARD...

#4 Cook more.
I really love cooking since I was young, I always wanted to help my mum to cook but she never liked. I don't know why. Since I'm not longer living alone in KL, I'm staying with my brother now, I would love to cook more when I'm free. I enjoy cooking for others. I just can't describe my happiness when I see their satisfied face. I've tried to cook curry rice and kimchi fried rice so far and surprisingly they tasted good and the brother loves 'em. So I will definitely look for more recipe and cook more nice dishes^^

5. Make more friends.
To be honest, I have a lots of friends, but I would like to know more. I need friends. I love friends. I feel so loved and happy when I'm with them. I can just talk and laugh with them all day long without getting bored. We have so many things to share. Although people always tell me that my personality doesn't match with my look in photo, maybe I look more quiet in the photo, and people always think I'm angry while I don't smile. But once we met each other, they told me that they like the real me even more which makes me really glad about this. So, for whoever out there, please do not hesitate to be friend with me aite! I'm real friendly, and nice^^

#6. DIET -> Nice body shape.
This is seriously a BIG BIG SIGH for me. I've been gaining so much weight after form5. Everyone has been asking me the same question and seriously I don't even know how to answer or I already get bored to answer the same question again and again. All I can say is I love food. That's all. Some of my friends can't wait for me to slim down cause they think I would be looking good after that, but some of my friends would prefer me for being more chubby. As time goes by, I'm worrying would I be like this forever? I have no idea. After diet session, it's not all about skinny. In my opinion, I still think girl who owns nice body shape is really attractive. But before that, I think I should go back to the diet session first. DIET - the biggest challenge for me. People who never seen me might think I'm not that fat but sad to say, I am. Just because I don't post my fat looking photos here, who posts ugly photos of themselves?! I swear I will post my before/after photos up if only I success in diet.

7. Be fashionable.
I always want to be a fashionable person. I mean, I would like to try different style and see how's the outcome on me. First of all, I think my fat body is seriously a BIG STONE for me to achieve this tasks. I always think that only skinny people can look fashionable. It explains why I've never wore sleeves-less clothes or singlets. What a big sad thing. So, to achieve this task I have to first achieve task #6.

8. Manicure.
Yea man. If you realized my nails in all of my photos, I do not own beautiful finger nails, guess what? I used to bite my fingers nail since I was young even until now. I just can't stop this bad habit. So my fingers nail look short and fat zzz. I always wanting to make them look nice like how other girls do but i just can't help it!!! I will just bite it naturally while I'm watching since it's already become my habit since young. I've tried to keep it long cause I really want to see the outcome and I actually did! But then after I showed them to all of my friends, like "Hey guys u see!! I have long fingers nail now!!!!" and they were surprised too, after showing, I bite again wth. :) I'm trying to keep them long now, I mean at least a normal length will do. So, after I success, another before/after pic of my fingers nail will be up too. ^_*

9. Make money.
I really hope to achieve this task as well. I never earn any money before, put internship aside. ); This is just so sad and I'm shame on myself. First of all, I've always wanted to find suitable part time jobs for myself but my parents don't like me to work, they want me to study. I know they are worrying about me. But I just feel so shameful when I see people at my age or people whoever younger than me already know how to earn and they earn so much. So I hope I can make it this year, even a little bit. As least let me know I can earn. Of course, I would like to save money but I heard somebody says, "Girls shouldn't learn how to save money but earn them."

10. Spend my time wisely. 
人生有幾多個十年? There's how many 10 years in your life time? I've been living for 20 years, I think there're much more thing on earth that worth for me to do and try. Not bad things of course. Ever heard about this? "你無所事事的今天,是昨天死去的人所奢望的明天。" I feel so impress when I read this. So, I have to spend my days wisely, everyday, every hour, every minute.

So far, I think that's all. A promise to myself, please make it. There are 11 months more left for me to achieve them all. 11 months are more than enough. Make it and keep it on.

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