23 Jan 2013

Movie week, Jan2013

This week is considering as my movie week I guess.
I watched "Les Miserable" and also "Life Of Pi".
Both of them are pretty good movies, you would definitely learn something from both movies.
At least, learn to LOVE and APPRECIATE YOUR LIFE.

Bought those cute little stuff and ingredients from Pavilion.
So into cooking recently since I've got nothing to do and I don't want to dine at restaurants everyday.

So cute. Little hair curler. Japanese stuffs forever so cute and wouldn't let me down.

There're so many movies that I've decided to watch like The Impossible, Mama, 3am...
Probably watch it in this week or next week, ohh ya!
The sunshiny Shoei is coming to KL on this Saturday. Can't wait anymore. :) Crazy crazy~

ps:// We wanna meet you, CHM !!! x)

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