5 Apr 2012

Random outing @ The Loaf

Ello... Sometimes we might know a lots of new friends around us..
But it is impossible for us to be best friend with all of them..
Everyone knows the reason...
I'm happy because I think I have a lots of good friends around me..
I love them, I miss them.
Stef left us last time, but the best thing of all is our friendship never changes.
We can still talk a lot when we hang out together, I'm really glad about this.
We have same taste, same topic for us to talk non-stop, laugh non-stop.

Hang out with her last week, it's quite hard for us to hang out sometimes,
because I always go back to hometown on weekend.

Shouldn't ordered this, don't really like the taste of this yogurt.
I thought their yogurt is same with J.co or Tutti or Snogurt but NO.

We shop, we eat, we talk, we laugh :) The food was fine.

Having our tea break at The Loaf, luckily she loves food too!

Feeling happy when hang out with her, hope we have more outing for the coming days!!

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