2 Apr 2012

Lovely wedding dinner

Hey it's me here to update about my cousin's wedding dinner post.
I said I must update my blog frequently after my final and yes I do!
As the title above, it's just a very simple wedding dinner, lovely dinner at Westin Hotel :)
Sometimes, a buffet dinner like this really feel good, gathering up all the family and friends.

The food of the dinner are all halal because some of my cousin's friends are Malay.
Falling in love with vegetables recently, it is a good sign isn't?
My dad is very happy about it lol.

Ohoh, look at my eyes-bag, what's wrong?!
I do sleep early recently.. I think :x 

Oh how I love my lens!

Must stay together!! Stay sweet and happy!!!

Ok, outfit of that night to end my post, bye-bye! :)

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