12 Apr 2012

Berjaya Hills

Hello readers and my friends! I'm still in the hospital right now, gotta overnight at here again.
Will going back to hometown tomorrow :) The operation was done. I feel good now.
Thanks for all my friends who text me, worrying about me. I feel it, I got it :') Thank you

I had my 2 days 1 night trip last week with my classmates and the boss.
*Fyi, our boss is also our lecturer.*
We met up at KL Central in the morning, Mcd as breakfast, like-a-must. Hmmm.....

Started our journey around 10am, we reached after an hour i think?

Say hi to the classmates and Berjaya Hills!
Visited to the Japanese village as well :)

Ahhhhhhhh ignore my stupid pose, hahahahahha. Just posing ma >o<
Lunch at Berjaya Hills, ordered something kinda taste like roast chicken, not bad not bad :)
I've chose potato salad and butter rice for side dishes, orange juice.

Look closer? :) The potion is quite big, taste good too. The price is RM22++...
Went back to the room and took a rest, forgot to take the photos of the room!
But anyway it was good, clean and really very comfortable :)
After that, we bathed, got ourselves ready and off to dinner :)

Ignore my face okay, i just want to show u guys the beautiful background.

We had BBQ buffet dinner, this is just part of the food of course, hehehe...

Walked around... Enjoying the environment... the perfect weather... Everything is just so fantastic

Second day~ They all went to the rabbit farm except for me, because I felt tired and feel like taking a rest..

After that, it's time to go home~
I look tall here...o_o

Mcd again before going back to KL, hmmm, not good right.. Always Mcd :S

That's all for my Berjaya Hills trip people! Lastly, lemme upload a photo which I really like :)
Taken by me at Berjaya Hills, goodnight! xoxo

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