15 Nov 2011

Wedding dinner on 11.11.11♥

Hello heehee! Finally, it was my friend's wedding dinner. We were so excited and can't wait for it the day before!

My very first dress, I'm lovin'it yo 

Pictures time.

Hello (:

Me with Tangmua :D Stupid I didn't noticed that she ''posed'' at the 2nd picture.
People used to thought we are sisters/twins/cousins.
Do we look alike? ;)

With ShuHsien. Everyone was dressed up nicely that day ;)

Chubby face.

Acting cute omg wtf.

Keep camwhoring while waiting for the dishes...

With skinny SukYuen!

The boyfriend ♥

Best friend ever ♥


Met those long-time-no-see friends too (: XiaoChew and the hotty ShyYi!

Dishes of the day. Not all but most of them. Overall was not bad (:

Tea with the bunch after the wedding dinner.

Went to mamak stall for tea, borrowed the scarf from Serrene to cover the upper part of my body to avoid blablabla...
Cause u know, some Malays are not-so-open-minded. NO RACISTS. IT'S FACT.
Home sweet home after that, byebye ;)

Next post : Hennessy Artistry at TheMines@MIECC !

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