18 Nov 2011


Christmas? Isn't it too early? Haha. Ya it's really early.
It's just November. But time do flies. December is coming to us.
2012 is coming soon. Omg... Soon I'm not a teenager anymore... ):
Okay back to the topic, why X'mas?
Although it is just November but I already saw a lot of X'mas decoration around Pavilion.
Pictures tell you about that.

Happy happy because daddy came to KL that day~\(^-^)/
Loving my mustard color flats

Brunch before off to Pavilion. My favorite gonloumee. Yummy as always

Due to the reason I always go there for my brunch, the waitress/waiter knew my favorite.
I do not like to eat green onion and vegetables so, my soup without green onion.
My dad stared at me and said "They knew u don't like to eat green onion right? ugh."
because he wants me to eat more vegetables 

Normally they serve like this. Boyfriend's.

Tadaaa here is it! So beautiful 
Can you spot the merry-go-round for children? \(^_^)/

The huge cake.

That's all for today

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