7 Jun 2013

Flower arrangement~ | Baby's breath

I learnt about flower arrangement during my class few days ago!!!

This is my first time to try and do such thingy~

It was a not bad experience except for we had to spent some money for this assignment.

Our theme is green and blue.

Omg. I just have to mention that I love love baby's breath!

My group members are discussing~!

Cute Holland dolls from Hana as decoration~!

♡ ♡ ♡

This is the outcome we made~

I personally think it is quite nice and cute too~^^

But then our lecturer helped us to amend it and she had a better idea for it~!

This is really nice too^^

Some of the outcomes from other groups~


Some cute ideas from another group~!

They put jelly inside the jar~!

They even brought fishes omg!

We got full marks for our project!^^

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