29 Apr 2013

Big Four Concert | Assignment

Me and the group mates went to Genting Big Four Concert for our assignment.
What subject is that.. I forgot already. I think it's entertainment management lol.
We have to note down some points during the concert and all.

Tasha's partner made lunch for us! The lunch was amazing, truly thankful^^

Had some dessert at Gohtong Jaya, were acting Gwiyomi poses made me laugh like shit cause it's so embarrassing for me >_<

3 of us in the group.

Chilly weather in Genting 

Big Four are Andy Hui, William So, Dicky Cheung and Edmund Leung.

Love Dicky Cheung the most! His jokes and sense of humor made all of us laughed like shit^^

Bought some strawberry as well. Bye!
There're more fun assignments are coming soon.

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