23 Apr 2012

The very first time

Since I'm being so free in the office right now, so I think I should blog about my very first time post in the hospital. What I mean is, I got into the hospital not because of visiting someone of course, for this time, I've got a small operation for myself. Thanks to daddy, thanks to everyone for worrying about me and texting me, tweeting me... Before that, my dad asked me what I want to have for dinner? He said he should pamper me by that way, LOL. So I answered "Korean food", I've been craving for Korean food before that so Korean food is it :D

Yeah yeah, BEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!! \(^O^)/

Loving the pancake as well.. \(^-^)/

Went to hospital after the lovely dinner....


On the second day, this is what i saw when i opened my eyes...

Thanks to boy friend for accompanied all the time.

Discharge on the third day :) ya i guess...that's all...........


  1. Anonymous27/4/12 06:36

    B, if i were there i will eat ur eggs XD key.

  2. Hahahhahah don't need to mention from key. U said u will eat my egg then i will know who u are xD only u!!!
