3 Dec 2011

Sister love1

My sister came to KL days ago, she want to shop for her cny clothes and eat food like Shimino, Snowflake..
which can't found in our hometown. The first day she came, beef noodles as our dinner.
And so i brought her to try out TuttiFrutti, mmmmmm, so nice~
Ohhh...It's time to do something on my hair again... re-bonding. That's so bored i know but I have no choices...

Cute takoyaki decoration in 6th floor of sgw but i will never ever go there again service sucks max.
Attitude of a waiter/waitress is always important and YOU SUCK.
That's why the shop got only me, yup, only one customer, GREAT.
Oh well, although there wrote "生意興隆" but the waitress is Malay.
Whoopsss...a new image for GreenBox, more food!

Teppanyaki as dinner.
OKAY Thanks for viewing, bye :)

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