27 Oct 2011


Just a random post with some of my pictures :-)
It has been 2 weeks I never go back to my hometown and I will be going back on tonight.
I've promised my sister to bring her go for nice food and go for a jog.
Nice food is a must because I L.O.V.E F.O.O.D 
My friends and family knew about it, I will definitely die without nice food and I believe most of you think so right? Ahhhaaaa :D

This is me with Cantonese yeemee, picture of yesterday #Thursday ;)

Can't wait to go back because my friends are waiting for me and the boyfriend :D
Waiting for us to yumcha.
Waiting for us to chit-chat.
Waiting for us to go crazy together.

Catching up the drama 環珠格格 recently, it is the best! No matter Part1 or Part2, definitely support the old version. #趙薇 #林心如 #蘇友朋 #周傑 

Have a great weekend everyone! ;)

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