29 Aug 2011


Hey yo peeepoo what's up! It's holiday everyone!
First of all, Selamat Hari Raya to all of my Malay friends, enjoy ur new year!
I'm at my hometown now enjoying my one week holiday.
Have been missing the food here every single day at KL.
So this week is gonna be another eat eat eat week for me.
What?! Sounds fat? Ahhhaaa don't care lah.blah blah blah.
My life for now is all about delicious food, lovely family, best friends and my fantastic dream.
Okay, been sick for almost one week, gah. Sufferrrr. Hate it!
I started to drink plenty of water everyday now, because I found out that it tastes shoooo good :D
Drink more water = healthy life style + good skin = SO WHY NOT?!
So people! Drink plenty of water kay! Weather nowadays turn gila sot.
Will update again soon, see ya! 


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